Wednesday, October 20, 2010

But Why?

I would say I am unfortunate but I won't. Life has taught me to appreciate life. There are no guarantees in this life neither are they in the hereafter. But why?

Life is a mystery. And when you become  a teen, life becomes more mysterious. There so many things you do not understand and when you make an effort to, you get lost. But why should you get bothered? After all, its a damn life.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Embrace Thirteen.

Thirteen marks the beginning of teenage hood. But, it comes with a lot. The change in voice; in boys, the growing of breasts; in girls and overall the change in appearance if not in everything.

Coming to terms with these changes can be one of the first difficult challenges welcoming you into the world of adulthood.  And moreover when these changes are not things you are proud of like: you may have lost your beauty, your breasts are bigger, pimples, hairy body and so much more.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A young adult.

I could never have been a better person if God took my breath away before this day. For I feel I have a duty towards a teenager of this world.

I remember so well my teenage years. But what I remember most is: my urge to be independent. I wanted to do things my way (of course not rebelling my parents) but my parents and the whole environment could not let me. Life seemed like a box every other day and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to run away. I laugh at all these thoughts when I look back now?

What was wrong with me then? Nothing of course. It was just a natural process I was not just aware of. It was that sting of becoming an adult. I was no longer a child neither was I an adult. The environment was also not favoring me to my expectations. I had lost the childhood privileges and i was not yet an adult to enjoy the adult privileges.

What was I then? I was in the turbulent years - over here, over there. But why didn't the adults understand this and help me out? How was it for them during their teen years? I cried out inside asking for some one to understand me but there was no one.

I was alone, lost on an island.

But you should not be. Because I am here for you, to listen and to help.