Saturday, February 19, 2011

There is always time

Do you really know your best and worst friend? It is time. He will be your confidant if you are doing something you like; be it bad or good. But the moment you want something and it’s not available, he will be your enemy. He will tell you how much he is hurry, how he does not like to be delayed, how it’s either now or never.

And you want any problem with time; tell time to wait for you to get whatever you want.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Be slow! There is always time

Do you really know your best and worst friend? It is time. He will be your confidant if you are doing something you like; be it bad or good. But the moment you want something and it’s not available, he will be your enemy. He will tell you how much he is hurry, how he does not like to be delayed, how it’s either now or never.

And you want any problem with time; tell time to wait for you to get whatever you want. He will scare, intimidate and go ahead to threaten you. If not, he will advise you to put pressure on whoever to give you whatever you need as soon as now.